My son was born five years ago this very day. The cliche holds true to the fact that time flies right by our eyes. I can list the stages of his life more than my quintuple chins on my face. Opening his newborn eyes, grinning his face, crawling with his elbows, eating solids, walking on his own and the list goes on forever.

The sanctity of the delivery room did not hold my picture and video gathering abilities. With one hand with my camera and the other on my wife's leg, my son emerged to the world of standard definition video. Little did I know that HD DSLR's would be all the rage very soon.

My son's birthday festivities started late last week with a celebration at his school. His teacher gathered all the May birthdays and had a big party. I guess you could call it a small graduation to Kindergarten for next school year.

What would kick off my son's special weekend better than cake and ice cream at school? Star Wars Weekend at Disney's Hollywood Studios! Minus the skin burning heat and the mobs of wanna-be Boba Fett characters, my son enjoyed every minute of it through his sweat soaked head.

I have to apologize. My Star Wars picture gathering abilities were dampened by the large crowds of tourists. Too make up for it, you can view my Star Wars Gallery of 2009. There is more than enough Star Wars eye candy to go around.

All weekend I used the Canon EOS Rebel T2i and the Canon EF-S 17-55mm f/2.8 IS lens. The T2i makes a small comeback because I have been busy with the Canon EOS 1D Mark IV. You can view more in my Canon EOS Rebel T2i Photo and Video Gallery and the Canon EOS 1D Mark IV Photo and Video Gallery.
The crowds at Hollywood Studios and the heat forced my family indoors most of the time. The refuge of "The Great Movie Ride" inspired me to create another Canon EOS Rebel T2i Video Test. With no lines to the attraction and the comfort of cold air conditioning, the tribute to the movies emerged in my PhotoBlog.

Our weekend would not be complete without two more things. Yummy House and a trip to the beach. A quick impromptu birthday lunch at our favorite Chinese restaurant and then an hour drive south to Fort Desoto for some beach fun. Finally! The birthday marathon weekend is over...for now!

Despite personal drama and setbacks in my life, I consider myself blessed when it comes to my family. My son is my mini-clone and my daughter is my wife's clone. What could be better? You can watch a family home video I made last year with the Canon EOS Rebel T1i in Pass-a-Grille beach, FL. I used Nikon AF-D prime lenses with a Fotodiox adapter to overcome the automatic exposure in video mode.
You can view more of my son's birthday weekend in this Photo and Video Gallery.

I am not kidding when I say "my son is my mini-clone".